Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Avoiding Homework.

So far my Summer vacation has been boringly filled with college homework. I'm finishing up my last semester at UVU while also trying to get my classroom put together and having fun! I have been able to squeeze in some fun, like this weekend. I ignored my homework and focused on relaxing. My friend Katie and I stayed up util 12:30 a.m. working on fun projects for my classroom which was a hilarious blast. And my Dad took me and my siblings + spouses wave running at Deer Creek! It was HEAVENLY. I love being out on the water/with my family. I wish I had another month of just fun, but behold, there are first graders waiting for me to teach them in a few weeks.

Friday, July 22, 2011

And so we'll begin with Summer 2011

Well, here I am, losing sleep in an attempt to start blogging again. I will probably have no more than 5 followers but my dearest friend, Aubrey Lee, practically put our friendship on the line if I didnt' start this up again! ;) It's going to be a work in progress, but here it is. I'll just start with the here and now- Summer!

For this next one, I'd like to share with you the acrostic poems we made for each other recently:
Musical Electrifying Literal Impulsive Sexy Sensitive Adorable
Tough Youthful Loving Exceptional Ridiculously-good-looking

Tyler and I moved in with my Mom and it has been a HUGE stress reliever for us all.
Here was my first Relief Society activity with her, it was hilarious.

And lastly, I am going to be a first grade teacher doing an internship this coming school year! My amazing mother in-law, who lives in Cali, gave me and bought me everything for my classroom. I can't even express how grateful I am for her being so giving. She, my awesome husband, my brother in-law, and I spent 4 days putting my classroom together. My good friend Katie also came up one day and helped me put up my final bulletin boards which was so helpful. I'm SO grateful for all their help!